Hoodia Gordonii Plus: Breakthrough of the Decade!! It’s a tiny plant that literally takes your appetite away. It makes you feel that you are full even though you’ve eaten only a little. This amazing discovery is spreading rapidly across the country and taking the consumer market by storm.
Hoodia Gordonii Plus is a small plant that grows only in the remote region of the Southern Kalahari Dessert. There the plants have been consumed for centuries by the indigenous San Bushmen to starve off their hunger during their long hunting trips.
Hoodia is approved by the Western Cape Conservation Authority of South Africa, and is certified to be 100% authentic. Therefore with Hoodia Gordonii Plus you can be assured of getting the real, organic Hoodia ingredient.
Many people who tried to keep to a diet or go to the gym every day will tell you that it is very hard. Very often you simply don't have enough free time to do exercising or prepare special foods that your diet prescribes. Fortunately, the recent scientific discovery makes it much simpler to reduce your dietary intake of energy without having iron will.
It was only discovered a few years ago, but it has already become extremely popular because of its appetite suppressant capabilities. Hoodia Gordonii Plus works by "fooling" your organism into thinking that it is already full so you are easily able to reduce your daily food consumption. Again, the organism will burn your fat deposits to get the energy it is missing and you lose weight as a result.
Hoodia Gordonii Plus is one more of nature’s many gifts to people in need. The most important thing for it to be effective is that it’s been kept simple and is natural.
To our knowledge, there are no known side effects to any of the ingredients in Hoodia Gordonii Plus. One important thing all of you’ll should keep in mind that without proper dieting (sensible food choices) and proper exercise routines, you cannot expect good results.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Hoodia Gordonii Plus - Shocking Review
Posted by ryan charles at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Allenna Ward Sent To Prison For Sex With Students
Allenna Ward Sent To Prison For Sex With Students - Read Below
Allenna Williams Ward Arrested For Having Sex With Multiple Students
CLINTON, S.C. (Crime Library ) — Unless you live under a rock, you have probably lost track of all the teacher/student sex scandals. Either these extracurricular activities have been commonplace and unnoticed until recent years, or they are quickly becoming an epidemic. Now, just as the Debra LaFave scandal is starting to slip from our minds, we have the arrest of another young teacher. Unfortunately, LaFave’s case seems to pale in comparison to this latest teacher-student scandal.
On the morning of February 22, a group of students from Bell Street Middle School approached the school’s principal, Maureen Tiller, and gave her a note that was allegedly written from their teacher, 23-year-old Allenna Williams Ward, to a seventh grade student. The students turned over the note because they felt it contained an inappropriate message. Tiller herself was concerned by the content of it and summoned Ward to her office.
Ward did not deny writing the note and admitted to exchanging several notes with the student that morning. Tiller immediately placed Ward on administrative leave and contacted Acting Superintendent Laura Koskela. An internal investigation was then launched at which time several students came forward with additional information and notes that were allegedly written by Ward. The decision was then made to involve the authorities.
Clinton Chief of Police John Thomas was one of the first officers to arrive at the school. Upon reviewing all of the evidence, Thomas contacted the State Law Enforcement Division, and a full investigation was launched.
On February 28, Thomas announced that Ward had been arrested and charged with 5 counts of criminal sexual conduct with a minor in the second degree and six counts of a lewd act on a minor.
According to the arrest warrants, Ward, who is married, allegedly had multiple sexual encounters over the past three months with at least five students, who range in age from 14 to 15. The encounters allegedly took place at the school, at a hotel, in a park and behind a local eatery. Not all of the victims were students from Bell Street Middle School. Following her arrest, Ward refused to speak with police, and her attorney, Donald Hocker, is refusing to comment.
As news of her arrest spread throughout the community, the school board held an emergency meeting. Upon reviewing the evidence against her, the board voted 6-0 to fire Ward. Afterwards, they distributed a press release regarding her termination.
“…The District wishes to stress that, as a result of its investigation, Ms. Ward is no longer employed. Generally, the District and its schools focus on prevention. Specifically, the District screens potential hires through a State Law Enforcement Division background check; ensures students and staff are instructed on the policies, rules, and regulations of the District, which prohibit inappropriate behavior; provides students with copies of the student handbook; and employs active and supportive counselors who make themselves available to students who have concerns or problems.
“As a school community, we are shocked by the recent events involving Ms. Ward and the young people affected by her inappropriate actions. The District strives to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students. We are deeply saddened and appalled that one employee has caused such turmoil in our community.”News From: http://jologs.colorspill.net/?p=304
Posted by ryan charles at 12:19 PM 2 comments
Man-Eating Snakehead Fish Found In UK
Man-Eating Snakehead Fish Found In UK - Read Below
Meet psycho fish who is deadlier than a piranha and is invading Britain.
The savage giant snakehead has been caught in Britain for the first time - sparking fears of a deadly invasion.
The fish, which has a mouth crammed with fearsome teeth, reportedly eats everything it comes across - including people.
It can 'crawl' on land and survive out of water for four days.
Adults can grow up to 3ft long and weigh 44lbs.
An Environment Agency source told The Sun: "The reaction was, 'Oh s***'. This is the ultimate invasive species - if it starts breeding here it's a disaster."
The fish - from south-east Asia - was found in the River Witham in Lincolnshire.
Angler Andy Alder who caught the fish told the newspaper: "It had a gob full of razor-sharp teeth. To be honest it looked terrifying."
News From: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=100114&in_page_id=34
Posted by ryan charles at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Lindsay Lohan Poses Nude For New York Magazine
Lindsay Lohan Poses Nude For New York Magazine - Read Below
Lindsay Lohan wearing nothing but a scarf for the New York Magazine cover.
Lindsay Lohan is naked again, this time remaking the famous Marilyn Monroe nude photo shoot entitled "The Last Sitting" for the New York Magazine. Wearing nothing but a blond wig and covered by a pink scarf, the pop star is gracing the cover of the latest issue of the New York Magazine. The photo shoot, where Lindsay Lohan appears topless on all pictures, was done by famed photographer Bert Stern, who also shot Monroe’s "The Last Sitting" in 1962. Monroe was found dead from an apparent drugs overdose just six weeks after the famous shoot.
"I didn’t have to put much thought into it. I mean, Bert Stern? Doing a Marilyn shoot? When is that ever going to come up? It’s really an honor," said the young pop star, who has always been a big fan of Monroe, Lohan even purchased an apartment where Marilyn once lived.
News From: http://www.ogpaper.com/news/news-01700.html
Posted by ryan charles at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Oil Refinery Explosion in Big Spring, Texas
Oil Refinery Explosion in Big Spring, Texas - Read BelowBIG SPRING, Texas (AP) - An explosion rocked an oil refinery Monday in a violent blast that shook buildings miles away and injured at least one person, the company said.
All workers were accounted for about an hour after the explosion, said Blake Lewis, spokesman for refinery owner Alon USA. The injured worker was in the hospital, but the person's condition was not known, Lewis said.
The fire sparked by the blast was under control Monday morning, Lewis said. The Dallas-based company does not know what caused the explosion, he said.
The blast sent black smoke billowing into the sky, closed schools, shut down a major interstate and left residents rattled.
"It was extremely scary. You shook you were so scared," said Laura McEwen, the wife of Mayor Russ McEwen who lives about two miles from the refinery. "Our walls shook. It jolted your bed. It was like an earthquake."
John Moseley, managing editor of the Big Spring Herald whose downtown office is also about two miles from the refinery, said, "I thought it would knock the walls down."
Two elementary schools were evacuated, then classes were canceled at all nine campuses in the Big Spring school district, assistant superintendent Carie Dunnam said.
The explosion forced open the doors of the school district's administration building about four miles from the plant, Dunnam said.
"Literally pieces of my ceiling came on top of my head," she said.
Bus routes were affected by road closures and that emergency officials were warning of the potential for more explosions, Dunnam said. Parents were asked to pick up their children, she said.
The refinery employs about 170 people and produces about 70,000 barrels a day.
Interstate 20 was shut down near the plant, Big Spring police spokesman Roger Sweatt said.
"There's some fire and a whole bunch of smoke," Sweatt said.
Big Spring is about halfway between Dallas and El Paso.
News From: http://www.kfdm.com/onset?id=24770&template=article.html
Posted by ryan charles at 10:15 AM 0 comments
'Varsity Blues' Star Ron Lester Has Lost Over 350 Pounds!
'Varsity Blues' Star Ron Lester Has Lost Over 350 Pounds - Read Below
Ron Lester, best known for his role as the portly offensive lineman Billy Bob in 1999's "Varsity Blues", has lost almost 350 pounds.
Lester, 37, tipped the scale at 509 pounds by the time he was 30 years old. Lester had been obese since the age of 5.
By late 2001, Lester successfully lost over 250 pounds. He made an appearance on The Montel Williams Show weighing around 173 pounds. He has had a gastric bypass surgery and 14 plastic surgeries to tighten and remove excess skin.
News From: http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?storyid=36713Posted by ryan charles at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Trasylol Killed 22000 People - FDA Fails
Trasylol Killed 22000 People - FDA Fails
This is the story of a drug that was on the market for 14 years and may have contributed to the deaths of thousands of patients. Trasylol, made by Bayer, is given in the operating room to control bleeding. It was a big money maker.
As correspondent Scott Pelley reports, Bayer marketed Trasylol aggressively until it was used in about one third of all cardiac bypass operations in America.
But then, in 2006, a study showed widespread death associated with Trasylol, and as it turns out there was concern long before that.
How much did Bayer know? And why did it take Bayer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration nearly two years to take the drug off the market after major studies revealed the danger? Two years - during which it's estimated Trasylol was contributing to the loss of one thousand lives a month.
News From: http://product-world.blogspot.com/2008/02/trasylol.html
Posted by ryan charles at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
KITT Is Back!
KITT Is Back! - Read Below
One of the downsides to remakes and spin-offs of classic TV series is that we often raise our expectations up so high that it’s almost impossible for the new show or in this case, TV movie to meet them. I can accept that though, which is why I usually allow for a bit of disappointment in cases like these. Unfortunately, Knight Rider not only failed to live up to the hype, but it didn’t even come close to what I was hoping it would be.
Before I start complaining about what was wrong with the movie, let’s talk about what worked. Pretty much the only thing that made the movie worth watching was seeing the upgraded version of KITT. KITT 2.0 is cool. The car can heal itself, which means not only is it bullet proof but thanks to nano-technology (a science, I wont even begin to try and understand), it’s body can patch itself up almost instantly even after a major collision. KITT can also change its appearance and has access to other computers, camera systems and satellite feeds. This naturally proves to be a most useful feature.
I was excited when I first heard that Will Arnett would be playing the role of KITT’s voice and disappointed when I learned a few weeks ago that he was replaced due to his contract with GMC but Kilmer does a fine job with the role, so I have no complaints there in terms of the voice. My only real annoyance when it comes to KITT was the car’s insistence on administering therapy to its passengers. Perhaps these scenes, one of which involved the main character, Mike (Justin Bruening) and another that involved his love interest Sarah (Deanna Russo), were just excuses to allow us to get to know the main characters a bit better but the whole thing came off as corny. The car’s flying through the mountains at 100 mph and at the same time, chatting with Sarah about her relationship with Mike. Seriously?
The plot of the movie centers on a bunch of bad guys who are trying to steal some hard drives from Charles Graiman (Bruce Davison). Not only did Graiman create KITT, he’s also working with the government on some super-secret technology for the military. The bad guys need to get the encryption key for the hard drives and so after they believe Graiman has died; they attempt to get to his scientist-daughter, Sarah. KITT has been ordered to find Sarah and bring her to Mike, a former Army Ranger whom Graiman believes can protect his daughter.
Mike has problems of his own though. He’s in debt to a bunch of people and spends his days avoiding the collectors and his nights bedding multiple women (at once). It’s pretty much established early on that while Mike might be a nice guy, he hasn’t really been living the best life. When Sarah first meets up with Mike, he’s gambling away money he doesn’t have at a casino (the Montecito - Las Vegas fans surely caught that little tidbit). Mike and Sarah have a romantic past but since things didn’t work out there’s some tension that is obviously going to lead up to something. Here’s the problem I have with that. Do we really want Mike to be romantically attached from the get-go if this thing turns into a series? This means that if the two continue to form a new romantic relationship most likely what we have to look forward to are a lot of episodes in which Sarah gets kidnapped and Mike and KITT have to rescue her. Yawn. I’m getting ahead of myself though. The final character that needs to be mentioned is Carrie Rivai (Sydney Tamiia Poitier). She’s a lesbian FBI agent and friend of Graiman. She’s also who Mike will be answering to on future missions.
The plot of the movie is basically an excuse for a lot of major car chases. This is to be expected as Knight Rider has a car for a main character but did anyone else feel like they spent the bulk of the two hours watching a glorified Ford commercial? I’m sure this was part of the deal they had with Ford but it was a bit too obvious for my taste. Whatever mood might’ve been set by the film was broken every time I saw a Ford logo. And it wasn’t just the logos, some of the chase scenes even seemed to be shot in the style of a car commercial, focusing on the different angles of the cars as they tore through the streets. For the record, I have nothing against Ford. I just don’t like feeling like I’m watching a commercial when I’m trying to enjoy a TV movie.
It was no surprise that the Hoff made an appearance in the movie. Hasselhoff briefly resumes his role as Michael Knight, Mike’s father. He’s been out of the picture for most of Mike’s life though so I’m not sure if they’ll try to work him back in on a semi-regular basis in the series or if the Hoff will only come around from time to time, perhaps to shed some wisdom on how to operate/befriend a talking car.
I’ll be honest, as a movie, Knight Rider wasn’t that great but as the set-up for a series, there is potential there. Considering how many technological advancements there have been since the original series aired, there’s a lot that can be done with KITT in a new Knight Rider series. A lot of that was demonstrated in the movie and I’m sure there are plenty of other ideas for KITT upgrades that can be added in over time. It’s the story and the character development that needs some serious work here. I can’t say that I cared much about any of the characters, including Mike (who is borderline unlikable) and Sarah, whom I wouldn’t mind seeing written out of the actual (potential) series. There are definitely some major improvements that need to be made in terms of the writing, direction and character set-up if the series gets picked up and NBC wants people to keep tuning in once the novelty of new-KITT wears off.
News From: http://www.cinemablend.com/television/TV-Review-Knight-Rider-8935.html
Posted by ryan charles at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Rasheed Thurmond RIP
Rasheed Thurmond RIP - Read Below
Brooklyn’s own Rasheed Thurmond passed away of a heart attack this week. Who is Rasheed Thurmond? You may have seen him on Diddy’s Bad Boys of Comedy, Def Comedy Jam, or maybe you’re local and caught his act live at The Apollo.One thing is for sure, every time he performed he had the people doing all that LOL and LMDFAO stuff.
Y'all good? Brooklyn in the house? I'm glad. I love people from Brooklyn. I'm from Brooklyn," says comedian Rasheed Thurmond to a cheering audience as he strolls onto the stage.The YouTube video flashes on Thurmond's MySpace page among smiling baby pictures. Only the countless profile posts that read "R.I.P." let on that something is wrong.
The up-and-coming Brooklyn born-and-bred comedian collapsed and died at his Queens home on Nov. 27, leaving behind three young daughters, a large family and an unfinished career.In his 10 years in the comedy business, Thurmond managed to build an impressive résumé, scoring a coveted spot on P. Diddy's "Bad Boys Of Comedy" and a recurring role on MTV's "Uptown Comedy Club."Three months ago, Thurmond, 36, taped Russell Simmons' "Def Comedy Jam," which will air on HBO starting in January for three months.
News From: http://celebrityunplugged.blogspot.com/2008/02/comedian-rasheed-thurmond-is-dead.html
Posted by ryan charles at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Daytona 500 Start Time
Daytona 500 Start Time - Read Beolow
There's been a lot of talk and discussion about whether Toyota can win the Daytona 500. One thing is for sure, they have a better chance than Ford.
There are more Toyotas in the Daytona 500 field than Fords. In that regard, Toyota has already surpassed at least of the traditional powers in NASCAR.
Perhaps the Nationwide Series race was an indication of how the Cup race will play out. Three of the top-four cars were Toyotas. But results in the Nationwide Series, formerly known as the Busch Series, do not always translate into Cup.
Toyota has won races in the Busch Series and now one in the Nationwide Series. Tony Stewart won the Nationwide Series race in a Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing and is considered one of the favorites to win the Daytona 500.
Earnhardt Jr. said it is no surprise the Toyotas are fast, at both the Nationwide and Cup series levels.
"I knew it was real when we first come down here to test," said Earnhardt Jr., who finished third in the Nationwide Series race, the only Chevrolet driver in the top four. "The Toyota has been fast. Those guys, you know, got the knowledge to get cars around the track, know how to get to Victory Lane. They're gonna be tough I think all year."
Denny Hamlin was second and Brian Vickers was fourth in the Nationwide Series race. For the Daytona 500, Michael Waltrip in a Toyota is starting the race on the front row with Jimmie Johnson and the Joe Gibbs Racing drivers, Stewart, Hamlin and Kyle Busch, are all legitimate threats to win the race.
"They build great race cars," Earnhardt Jr. said. "They're a good company. I had the privilege of being able to get a good look at it one time. It's a pretty impressive place. I think they'll always be a challenge."
Joe Gibbs Racing made the switch from Chevrolet engines to Toyotas. They join Michael Waltrip Racing, Team Red Bull Racing, Bill Davis Racing and Hall of Fame Racing as Toyota-powered teams in Cup. Hall of Fame Racing, like Joe Gibbs Racing, is using Toyotas for the first time this year.
"I didn't think they wouldn't have made the change if it wasn't for the better," Earnhardt Jr. said. "It's obviously going to help them a lot over the years."
News From: http://www.insidesocal.com/haddock/archives/2008/02/some_final_thou.html
Posted by ryan charles at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Accident at Accokeek MD Kills 7
Accident at Accokeek MD Kills 7 - Read Below
Today a car crashed into a group of people who were supposedly gathered to watch a drag race in
The accident happened around
To this hour, the specific situation has not been cleared up, and according to Copeland’s own words it’s leaving “more questions than answers”
News From: http://toppayingideas.com/blog/2008/02/16/drag-race-accident-at-accokeek-md-leaves-7-dead/
Posted by ryan charles at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Tickets On Sale For Billy Joel Concert At Shea
Tickets On Sale For Billy Joel Concert At Shea - Read Below
Book your Billy Joel tickets at www.507TIXX.com or by calling (718) 507-TIXX. It is going to be musical equivalent of the ninth inning of the World Series when the "Piano Man" walks up to the plate to sing. Indeed.
Billy Joel has been booked at Shea Stadium to perform his final concert, "The Last Play at Shea," July 16.
The Flushing, N.Y., stadium has been a regular venue for concerts over the years and some of rock's biggest names have headlined there: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who and, of course, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.
Joel, a native New Yorker, has never played at Shea but with his farewell show, he will become the only act to play Shea Stadium, Yankee Stadium, Giants Stadium and Madison Square Garden.
News From: http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212130766.shtml
Posted by ryan charles at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
David Garrett Falls On His Violin
David Garrett Falls On His Violin - Read Below
We’ve heard of soldiers falling on their swords, but never a violinist falling on his Stradivarius.
It was at the Barbican, London, back in December when music prodigy David Garrett, 25, fell on his priceless violin, reducing it to bits.
He was walking off stage down some “slippery” steps when he fell. The prize object ended up beneath him and may even have prevented a bad injury, Garrett surmises.
The broken fiddle is now in New York, where a team of experts are determining what should be done with it. If it’s repaired it probably won’t be as good as it was before, and certainly wouldn’t be worth anything like as much. But it may have some value as a museum piece.
The instrument was made by one of the Master’s best pupils, but bears the famous “brand” nonetheless — a common practice among artists in those days.
Meanwhile David Garrett goes from strength to strength. He is being dubbed classical music’s David Beckham for his boyish good looks. At 13 he was the youngest artist ever to record for prestigious classical label Deutsche Gramophon, and in the next four years he released four albums, the last being the Tchaikovsky and Conus concertos, with Mikhail Pletnev and the Russian National Orchestra.
Naturally, legends abound. At four years his father gave him a violin to play with. Without a single lesson, the toddler is said to have picked it up and started to play. How well, we’re not told.
“After two months without a teacher I was playing better than my older brother,” claims Garrett. “I think that my parents thought there must be some talent there, so they started to send me out to teachers.”
Tonight, he faces an eerie sequel. He’s back at the Barbican playing a concert.
News From: http://www.classyclassical.com/2008/02/14/david-garrett-falls-on-his-stradivarius/
Posted by ryan charles at 1:19 PM 2 comments
Bobby Cutts Guilty Of Aggravated Murder
Bobby Cutts Guilty Of Aggravated Murder - Read Below
Bobby Cutts Jr. talks with lawyer Fernando Mack in Stark County Court as his trial ended Tuesday.
Canton -- A Stark County jury this morning found Bobby Cutts Jr. guilty of aggravated murder for killing his unborn baby and murder for killing his pregnant lover. Cutts could face the death penalty when his is sentenced later this year.
As Judge Charles E. Brown Jr. read the verdicts, Cutts stood stoically. This was in sharp contrast to the sobs and emotional strain that punctuated his four hours of testimony Monday.
Cutts admitted on the witness stand that he killed Jessie Davis and hid the body in the tall grass of a Summit County park. He characterized the death as an accident flowing from an argument that escalated to a physical confrontation.
The verdict will lead to another hearing to determine whether Cutts should get a death sentence.
News From: http://blog.cleveland.com/plaindealer/2008/02/cutts_guilty_of_aggravated_mur.htmlPosted by ryan charles at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Steve Kazmierczak Identified as NIU Shooter
Steve Kazmierczak Identified as NIU Shooter - Read Below
This is the first photo emerging of Stephen (we're also seeing it spelled Steven, but NIU announced it as a ph) Kazmierczak, the gunman in yesterday's shootings at NIU.
Reports this morning were that a sixth victim had died, but that apparently was a miscommunication between all the hospitals: five victims and the shooter have died. According to NIU, the victims are
* Daniel Parmenter, age 20, last of Westchester, Ill.
* Catalina Garcia, age 20, last of Cicero, Ill.
* Ryanne Mace, age 19, last of Carpentersville, Ill.
* Julianna Gehant (pronounced Ghee-hant), age 32, last of Mendota, Ill.
* Gayle Dubowski, age 20, last of Carol Stream, Ill.
Kazmierczak had studied criminal justice at NIU and wrote papers about the role of religion in forming early American prisons and studied self-harm among prisoners. He was, by all accounts, a model student. He grew up in Elk Grove.
Over at the Reader, Whet Moser dug up some oldish NIU web stuff from Kazmierczak, including this bio he apparently wrote when he was vice president of NIU's chapter of the American Correctional Association.
VICE-PRESIDENT: Steve Mazmierczak. Steve served as an undergrad teaching aid for Sociology 388 (corrections) and 488 (juvenile delinquency) in spring, 2004. He has strong interests in justice reform and, as an older sociology/criminal justice major, he brings experience and ideas to the group.
My name is Steve Kazmierczak, and I'm a 3rd year student here at NIU. During my sophomore year I served as an aid for the SOCI170 web-board and last semester, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be a team leader for SOCI488-Juvenile Delinquency. Since attending NIU, I've worked very hard as a student, and I know that I would be able to forth the same effort as an officer of the ACA. I feel that I'm committed to social justice, and if elected as treasurer I promise to serve the NIU chapter of the ACA to the best of my ability.
News From: http://chicagoist.com/2008/02/15/stephen_kazmier.php
Posted by ryan charles at 11:27 AM 0 comments