Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blogging CPAC: Romney “Suspends” Campaign

Blogging CPAC: Romney “Suspends” His Campaign - Read Below

At last year’s CPAC, conservatives who hated Mitt Romney presented “Flip Romney.” It looks like Romney has flipped again, this time from being a candidate to being a bystander. However, as the photograph indicates, Flip Romney is still at CPAC.

Laura Ingram introduced former Governor Mitt Romney. Speaking about the conservative movement, she referred to recent media pertaining to John McCain. “Chill out, calm down, grow up and evolve,” was the message Ingram said the same people once told Ronald Reagan.

“What have you done for conservatism, lately,” Ingram challenged the noisy crowd. She then described the three legs of the conservatism stool (snark intended) necessary to win elections: fiscal conservatism, social conservatism and “national security.”

“I get to introduce the conservative,” she stated. “Mitt Romney is the conservative’s conservative.

When he stepped to the stage, Romney received a standing ovation. He noted that he was in single digits last year when he appeared at CPAC. He compared his vote total to McCain’s, then said “size does matter” with respect to the delegate count.

Romney said that America’s culture is under attack and that this threat comes from within. As examples, he described the welfare state, an attack on faith and religion, pornography and the celebration of it, and homes with no fathers.

He celebrated “lower taxes” and suggested that we should take a weed whacker to government regulations, entitlement programs and trade unions.

“They hate everything we believe about freedom,” Romney said, insisting that we continue our attack of “radical violent Jihad.” Romney also wnated to raise military expeditures “to four percent of the GDP.”

Romney suggested there is a big difference between 1976 and today: the War in Iraq. He said that Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton wish to surrender to terror.

“If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win,” Romney said.

“If this were only about me, I’d go on. But it’s never been only about me,” Romney said. “I entered this race because I love America. And because I love America, in this time of war, I feel I have to now stand aside — for our party and for our country.

“This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose.”

Romney neither endorsed nor suggested support for any of the other presidential candidates.

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